Monday, May 16, 2016

One can be Moral without being Religious

By Saeed Qureshi

While I contend that man can be ethical and righteous without being religious, I am in no way suggesting, that one should abandon practicing religion. Morality, essentially, is a virtue that is personal and the human beings follow it out of social and personal obligations or volition.
Let us put it like this, that even in heathen and secular societies, the people, at the same time, tell lies and speak truth. Truth is a component of virtue that one believes not because of religious compulsions or motivation but because it is a positive social value that is appreciated while it’s opposite falsehood is disliked.
When we are speaking truthfully, we seldom think we are doing so because the religion ordained so, but because it is right and commendable to do so. Same mindset applies to other innumerable virtues and ethical values that we practice in our daily lives.
To be law abiding, to care for others, to be compassionate and considerate, to be kind and humane, to treat aged and children with kindness, not to steal, to murder, or rape and so on,  are invariably are virtues that are cherished and commended  equally in the irreligious and the rigidly religious societies.
The religious commandments or injunctions if vigorously and earnestly applied during our social dealings, then of course, we may not err or indulge in immoral and unethical pursuits either by word of mouth or by our actions and deeds. Yet in our daily life and in social interactions, we make a mess of the moral codes ordained by our religions.
Irrespective whether we believe in Judaism, Christianity, or Islam or any other religion, countless times we lie, swindle, weigh less, adulterate the foods, and charge more. We do not keep our promises. We molest, kidnap, speak rough even use abusive jargon, enter into fratricidal disputes, tamper with out utility services, power meters, evade or do not pay our tax in full.
We solicit jobs through bribery or influential contacts; prefer our relations and friends for jobs or contracts via nude and unabashed nepotism and so on. We seldom think that all these vices and foul activities are forbidden by religions and despised by the society.
Therefore, whether we are religious or not, we demonstrate outward social behavior without keeping in mind all the time that these are do’s or don’ts contained in the religious codes. If we still persist in good behavior as well as bad behavior then certainly we are simultaneously complying and breaching the tenets of the religion.
The claim or argument that religion fosters absolute morality would look convincing if we can divide the human race into two clear sections, one being wholly moral because of being religious and the other being entirely immoral because of being irreligious. We know we cannot draw out such clear-cut distinction.
If morality were entirely exclusive to religions, then the human generations existing before the advent of religious eras would have been immoral. In the prehistoric ages when there was no ownership of land or property, the communities would be knit into bonds of fraternity, work together, equitably divide their food and resources, and share each other pains and pleasures. Those generations believed in spirits, deities, demons and souls. But certainly they were not the adherents of traditional religions that sprang later.
Even the wicked Pharaoh admonishes Prophet Abraham for falsifying his real relationship with Sara, who was his wife but he faked her as his sister. In this episode, the conduct of the heathen Pharaoh looks more moral as compared to the religious apostle Abraham. If we accept the plea or ruse of Abraham as the need of the hour, then we are tainting or bending the inviolable religious canons with regard to the virtue of truth.
The core aim and underlying purpose of any religion is absolute morality and piety. In addition, it connects the creation that is human being with the creator that is almighty God. In religion, there cannot be any compromise or modifications on the belief in a super human power or God. Nevertheless, when the faith pertains to the affairs of the societies or mutual interactions, the laws and traditions of the religion mingle with the mundane laws of the society and thus the people follow both of these.
The Christian Orthodox Church is succumbing to the pressures and imperatives of the modern societies to the extent that it now permits marriages for nuns and priest. Of late, it has conceded the use of condoms and even gay and same sex marriages. Beyond the cardinal belief in God, the religions flourish and remain vibrant on the strength of their customs and rituals, which are vigorously practiced.
The faithful relish, cherish, and draw bliss and spiritual elevation by observing these countless religious chores that become an integral part of our social milieu. They feel that their bond of obedience with God is strengthened and the reverence for the messengers is reinforced. The examples are Hindus converging on the river Ganges every year and celebrating various festivals like Holli and Krishna Janamashtami etc. The Muslims celebrate religious days, pray, fast and perform pilgrimage. The Jews go to Jerusalem and Roman Catholics go to Rome.
Every religion has a pantheon of deities, an array of rituals and an assortment of customs and innumerable taboos and shibboleths. In Christianity, there is a vast plethora of symbols that are dutifully performed during the service. Some of these are use of candles and rosaries, images of saints, chants, incantations  prayer books, incense, holy water, long robes, everlasting light before the alters, serving of bread, the special architecture of the church buildings and so on. As stated above, In Hinduism, there are countless deities as symbols of various powers, the river Ganges as purifier of sins, the temples, and the sacred books: Vedas, Brahmanas and Upanishads and Puranas.
In Jewish faith, there are many symbols such as tabernacle, Star of David, the holy books Torah and Talmud, Sabbath, festivals and circumcision and so on. In Islam such symbols are the mosque, the minarets, the curved sword, the green color, the holy house of God in Mecca the black stone, the sacrifice, the two sacred festivities: one after the fasting and another on the eve of pilgrimage. The list is long. I shall leave other smaller religions that are immersed in a sea of customs and rituals.
Arguably, while these customs and traditions are fervently and zealously followed by all the religions, yet this does not stop them from killing each other and occupying each other’s lands and enslaving them. In history and even in present times, there have been horrendous ethnic cleansing of the adherents of one religion by the followers of the other religion such as between Jews and Christianity and Christianity and Islam, Hindus and Muslims, Jews and Muslims etc.
Simultaneously, the religious and secular, or irreligious societies profess principles, precepts, and laws that are intrinsically moralistic.
However, at the same time morality could be variously interpreted and is relative in case of each society. In permissive yet religious societies as in the West and the Far East, such pastimes as nightlife, clubs, drinking and dancing are integral part of the social life. In dogmatic Islamic countries, these social features are sins liable for harsh punishments.
Yet in these glamorous and socially open societies, people abide by law, respect each other, give charities to the poor and downtrodden, take maximum care of the toddlers and young children, and maintain nursing homes for the old people. They behave politely and respectfully to each other. Any discrimination based on color, ethnicity religion or gender is unlawful. Although, these and similar other values are preached by religions, yet these are also manifestly practiced in religiously liberal societies. It means it is the culture or the law that enforces these good traits. That eliminates the difference between being religious and non-religious in order to be socially moral.
The citizens of these religiously tolerant countries obey the civic rules, seldom taint the food, or tamper with their meters. Their agitations and protests rallies are orderly and peaceful. They maintain environmental cleanliness and respect the rights of their neighbors. They are by and large peaceful and allow religious freedom for all believers.
Such societies are havens of civic comforts and facilities. These are moral and human manifestations of such societies, which accord scant or customary regard to religion. Nevertheless, they believe and practice the well-established principles of morality, ethics, and good conduct. These serve their people well and manifest good governance for the welfare of their people.
Temperamentally humans when born, possess inbuilt good or bad traits with varying degrees. These traits are not influenced by external factors and remain as the unalterable part of one’s personality till the last breath. These may be suppressed under peculiar conditions or circumstances but can never be eroded or rooted out from the mind.
As such socially and temperamentally, some people tend to be highly moral, less moral or conversely highly immoral or less immoral. A miser and greedy man can never be generous, a brave person cannot turn coward and a cruel person would be devoid of compassion, a timid would not be outspoken and an introvert cannot become an extrovert, et al.
Humans tend to be hypocritical in posing as moral and religious by exhorting others to be good while they would be wicked themselves. The religious clerics, clergy and preachers though preach moral values, do not offer practical examples by their own conduct. They ask others to be frugal and simple, while they themselves wallow in wealth and lead lavish lives.
They crusade against the moral evils and goad reverence for God. Yet they exploit their adherents by using wrath and pleasure of God. Many of them work as touts of the respective governments. They are known for hoarding money and even caught in heinous rape of minors.
Such a sermonized morality looks to be sham and mere humbug.
As morality is ingrained and very personal to an individual, my accent is on social and ingrained moralities and not political or for show off. In politics, morality is nonexistent as the interests of state supersede the moral contours set by religious movements and gospels as well as the traditional social or individual morality. For this reason, an absolute religious government is hard to work for a longer period of time.
Secondly the religious doctrines and tenets are meant for a specific period of human societies and become outdated and collide with the emerging conditions in subsequent times. In simple words, the societies are dynamic and evolutionary while the religions are static.  Thirdly morality is a universal virtue and is not exclusive to the religions. Fourth, we have seen that the religious societies get infested with divisions, factionalism, power struggle and disharmony because of irreconcilable sectarianism.
Only the religion of the majority remains dominant. The religious bias takes its toll of suppressing smaller religions by the adherents of the majority religion.  That phenomenon deprives a society of the moral fiber by way of intolerance, lack of coexistence among various denominations and faiths.
These are inhuman and immoral manifestation that may be scantly found in a secular societies or a nation state. Just to reiterate that religions bind us to the faith in God and to practice rituals and moral principles. Yet we have seen that even in religious societies, people are not angles. They commit crimes, are intolerant, tell lies, swindle, cheat, steal and pilfer, usurp and indulge in immoral pursurits.
The writer is a senior journalist, former editor of Diplomatic Times and a former diplomat.This and other articles written by him can be read at his blog

Sunday, May 1, 2016

When our lives were spared by the robbers in Maputo.

By Shah A Siddiqui

It was a hot summer night in February 1993, in Maputo (Mozambique) when I heard, “Alam, Alam, look someone is at the window.” My wife tried to wake me up and before we could become alert, all of a sudden the intruder jumped on our bed, right from the window, and he cocked the gun. It was about 2 am local time. Our flat was on the 2nd level of the edifice. “Shhhhh. Don’t make any noise,” he ordered us at gunpoint and asked about if any other person is in the house. In the next room our three kids Shaheryar, Asfandyar and daughter Urooj were sleeping without knowing what was going on with their parents in the next room.
The robber was standing on our bed continuing to point a gun at us and warned that If we make any move or produce whatever noise, he would kill us. He was holding a submachine gunn. He was busy interrogating me about the cash, gold, and electronic items in the apartment, and in the meantime, my wife told me in Urdu that “Alam iss ki gun khali hay aap pakar lein” (Alam, he has empty gun, so you grab him). He was local Mozambican, but we were in shock when he responded with, “Hey my gun is loaded, and I can shoot you guys.” All of a sudden he pulled a wooden stick about 10-12 inches long from his shoulder bag and pushed it in the throat of my wife. He was very smart, and that's why he understood what my wife could have said to me. He was communicating in broken English. Normally Mozambican don’t speak English or any other language except Portuguese.
He forced us to hand over the key of the apartment first and pushed us down from the bed on the floor and gave us bags to fill with our valuables. We had no choice but to obey the order. The robbers warned us that more people are down the apartment and watching. “If you do something wrong, then I will kill you guys and run away.” He moved to another room where my kids were sleeping, but thank God the kids were smart and did not make any noise. The robber started forcing us to finish the job as soon as possible. My wife and I started to fill the bags with valuables like VCR, Camera, cutlery, pedestal fans and about $ 750.00 and a local currency about 60K cash. The burglar spent about 45 minutes, and those 45 minutes were like 45 years long as we were in the state of shock ad misery.
We had learned about such robbery and violent deaths in the urban center, but not in the diplomatic vicinity. We were sure that after sweeping everything, this guy will definitely kill us on his way back. He orders us to sit down on the floor and did not permit us to get to the kids' room. When he left us in the room we were just praying God to spare our lives. After 5 minutes when we felt that there is no movement in the room, we both slowly get up and started walking to our kids' room. The intruder had left our home with valuables and we were floored. We hugged our kids and thanked God for his mercy on us.
In the morning, I went down to see how he dared to jump through the window, inside my bedroom on the 2nd floor. He had used a grappling hook to scale the three story apartment.
I reported the incident to the local agencies and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mozambique. They just said sorry for this robbery and promised to arrest the robber which was just a typical reply to the Embassy of Pakistan in response to our letter. I was also advised to go a nearby Police Department of the area and file a case of the robbery, which was a painful experience for me. The Police department was about a couple of miles from our apartment and around 10 am I drove there to file a report on the robbery incident. In Mozambique, they speak only one language and that is Portuguese. The police station was reminding me of a Pakistani police station where no one bothers to listen to you or register FIR(First Information Report). The language barrier was also a big problem. I tried to explain myself to them in my broken Portuguese, but they were not in the mood of listening or to realize the agonies of the victim. One Police officer was enjoying his breakfast with a cup of coffee and a piece of bread without butter or jam. The other guy was helping me to write the FIR in Portuguese. It took me more than an hour to get out of this police station. Bribery was very common at that time in Mozambique, and I am sure this country must enjoy the ‘bribes ‘as we do in the third world nations. I thanked and appreciated Mr. Fernando Mujui for his services and gifted both the officers Mt.500 each for their “courteous & quick response”.
The next day I received a phone call from the police officer Fernando, who expressed his gratitude for the gift and told me that in a couple of days they will come up with some results of the robbery.
It was more than 2 years’ time that I spent in Maputo and I was aware of their ‘working’ culture and official manners, I was not very much hopeful that the local authorities would be able to catch the perpetrator. After three days I received another phone call from the police station, and the officer on the phone was not the same whom I had bribed. When I asked about Fernando, the guy told me that Fernando was off for the day. The Police officer said, “I have news about your robber.” I was surprised that finally they found him, but he told me that the “intelligence agencies are still looking for the guy.”
The following day Fernando called me to the Police station and told me the story. I was surprised to learn all that he had to say. The robber was found to be an army personnel belonging to the government party ‘Free limo’ and due to ongoing rebel fighting in the country and bad economy, the government officials, army, and police all were suffering from hardship. This guy who robbed my apartment was on active duty in the daytime, but at nighttime he robbed me. Most of the ground forces and police officials used to be involved in the robbery and they targeted foreigners.
After this robbery incident, my wife was so frightened that at night she could not sleep for many months, despite the fact that we installed burglar bars for our doors, windows, and balconies. She used to wake up from sleep at night with dread. I was also not comfortable at night during sleep.
After this horrific robbery incident, I was desperately looking to buy a gun for our safety, and in a couple of days with the help of one local friend I bought a small handgun. It was the first experience in my life to have a gun and learn how to shoot. To have a gun under the pillow at night used to give me some sense of relief, but I felt more worry to hide it from my kids who were very young. My older son was 12 years, my daughter was 7 years and the youngest son was 5 years old. When I used to go to work, I would hide the gun in the safe to the knowledge of my wife, but I used to be worried all day until I reached home from work.
My family did not want to stay in the country after this robbery and I was compelled to write to my headquarters, to recall me, and after a few months, I was back to Pakistan.
Shah Siddiqui,
Bureau Chief
The Muslims Abroad, Pakistan Abroad, Urdu Times
Columnist, Critique Writer, Freelance Journalist
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