Monday, March 21, 2016

My Two Questions to Maulana Tariq Jamil
By Shah A Siddiqui

I have mentioned below a link of a video lecture by Maulana Tariq Jamil, a very well known Islamic scholar ,dated July 10, 2014 “Roshni Ka Safar”

Maulana Tariq Jamil, is a great scholar and he has more than hundred of thousands of his followers in Pakistan and around the world. Time to time I also like to hear his lectures on different topics. He is a fantastic narrator of Islamic history and he also exaggerates the incidents like the other ‘Aalim’ ‘Moulvis’ ‘Zakirs’ etc. etc. as you can see in this video where he realized at one point and accepted.
Since my childhood, I read and heard in some Friday prayers khutba/sermon, and in some small religious gatherings by Moulvis that in Islam photograph is prohibited and one should not have his photograph.
In this lecture of Maulana Tariq Jamil, he narrates an incident when Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq (R.A) sends Hazrat Hasham Bin Aas to Syria on his behalf to see and invite the King Kaiser. When Hasham Bin Aas arrives in Syria and meets the King Kaiser, he (Kaiser) opens a box and draws out some photographs of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) and some others. Kaiser shows a photograph to Hasham Bin Aas and asked him that if he recognizes any one of them who are in the photograph. Hasham Bin Aas surprised to see the photograph and cried with tears when he recognized the picture of Hazrat Muhammad (SAWS) and said, “Yes, I can recognize one is our beloved prophet Muhammed” and who else? King asked, Hasham Bin, Ash said that two others are Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq and next to him is Hazrat Omar.
I have 2 questions after watching and learning the lecture of Maulana Tariq Jamil:
Q-1. Was the photography Camera available at that time when our Prophet was alive?
Q-2. If the photograph is prohibited in Islam, then how come our Prophet Muhammad(SAWS) and Hazrat Omar and Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddiq has their pics?
I require to make myself and educate about this lecture and scenario, what Maulana Tariq Jamil has narrated. Due to lack of knowledge I could not understand his lecture or ‘bayan’ so I shall appreciate it, if someone who has any approach to any Islamic scholar and Aalim or any one who has vast knowledge in Islamic history can explain to me and answer my question.
Please pardon me if my questions hurt any follower of Maulana Tariq Jamil. I respect him from the bottom of my heart and I love to hear his lectures, but at this point in this video what he narrated about the situation, I am totally confused and fail to understand.
I cannot follow any Maulana, Mullah or Aalim just because he is Aalim, Mullah or Maulana, and I should not stick with him blindly because hundred of thousands people are following and hearing his speeches. I will follow any Mullah, Moulvi and Aalim when I would be able to understand him.
I am awaiting reply to my questions above, by some intellectual scholar, who takes in knowledge in Islamic history.

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